American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
The Student Chapter of ASME has been active at NCE for more than 84 years. It is the oldest on-campus professional society.
We welcome students from all courses of study at the university and are committed to advancing the professions of engineering and applied science in every aspect of modern society. We believe that NJIT’s student section of ASME is not only the oldest but by far the most active and successful on campus.
(pictured: Professor Harry Kountouras, ASME Faculty Advisor)
The 2009 ASME Student Professional Development Conference (SPDC) took place on Saturday, April 18 at Tufts University in Medford Mass. The SPDC, formerly the ASME Regional Student Conference (RSC), is a venue where ASME Student Sections from throughout the northeast compete in a wide range of competitions. The major contest is the National Design Contest where students design and build a remote controlled rock retriever in the spirit of the NASA Sojourner robot. NJIT sent three teams to compete in the Design Contest. Tai Duong & Anand Nagaraj; Philip Vento & Mark Monteforte; Michael Lowry. Congratulations to all our student competitors especially Michael Lowry who placed third in the design contest. The Student Section of ASME at NJIT has a long history of success at the SPDC, including eight First Place finishes in the Design Contest over the past twelve years.
The plaque for Outstanding Student Chapter was Presented to Harry Kountouras NJIT Faculty Advisor of ASME. For the eleventh time in the last twelve years, NJIT has taken First Place in the prestigious ASME Student Sections Committee Contest (formerly the Ingersoll-Rand Contest) for District A. District A includes all the major universities and colleges in the northeast. The contest involves the writing of a comprehensive report that documents activities by the ASME Student Section. That report includes: meetings, seminars, guest speakers, plant trips, attendance at conferences, university service and other professional activity. The Student Section of NJIT is extremely proud of its unparalleled success in this important event. We believe it exemplifies our commitment to the highest level of service and professionalism.
The 2000 RSC was hosted by NJIT and attracted more than 200 students, faculty and guests from Region II. The opening remarks were delivered by recently retired NJIT President Saul Fenster. NJIT made history at the RSC by being the first university in Region II to win ALL FOUR major contests: The National Design Contest, The Old Guard Oral Presentation, The Old Guard Technical Poster Contest and the Ingersoll-Rand Contest. Our cumulative score in the 2000 Ingersoll-Rand Contest (1622 points) was also good enough for a third place finish in the National Inter-Regional Contest.
Remarkably, at the 2002 RSC held at Stevens Institute of Technology, NJIT again made history in Region II by being the first university to take first, second and third places in the National Design Contest.
Even more remarkable than that, NJIT repeated history one more time by again taking First, Second and Third Places at the 2004 RSC held at the City College of New York.
Check out the ASME web site for more information on design competitions, chapter meetings, events, plus a lot of information on what's going on in the world of Mechanical Engineering!
ASME Officers
President: Hardik Darji
Vice President: Michael Filippidis
Treasurer: Joseph Kramer
Secretary: Aulla Hamdeh
Public Relations: Aubrey Watson
Social Media Editor: Samantha Vertucci