Mechanical Engineering Department Spring 2002 Colloquium Series
Unless otherwise noted seminars are held Wednesdays, 4:00-5:30 PM in room 224 of the Mechanical Engineering Center. Refreshments served at 3:45 PM
JANUARY 30, 2002
Dr. Sitaram Ramaswamy
Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Davis
Davis, CA
"Fuel Cell Vehicles: Promises and Challenges"
FEBRUARY 27, 2002
Dr. Govind Rengarajan
Engineering Mechanics Lab, G E Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY
"Inelastic Behavior of Crystalline Solids: Muitiple Length and Time Scales in Material Modeling"
MARCH 13, 2002
Research Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology
"Posters by Faculty Describing Their Current Research"
Rm. 3730 GITC
MARCH 15, 2002 (Friday)
Dr. Phillip Holmes
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University
"Low Dimensional Models of Turbulent Plane Couette Flow"
Lecture Hall II, Cullimore Hall, 11:30 a.m.
MARCH 27, 2002
Dr. Anatoly A. Maslov
Deputy Director & Professor, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Department of Hypersonic Flows, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Division
"Hpersonic Boundary Layer Stability Experiments"
APRIL 3, 2002
Dr. Mahesh Tirumkudulu
Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
"Film Formation in Adhesives and Coatings"
APRIL 15, 2002
Dr. Fazle Hussain
Cullen Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
University of Houston, Houston, TX
"Coherent Structures in the Near-wall Region of Turbulent Boundary Layers"
MEC 224, 11:30 a.m.
APRIL 24, 2002
Dr. Jim Stevenson
Honeywell Corporation
"Metal Injection Molding: Experimental Analysis and Simulation of Stable and Unstable Flow"
NCE Cullimore Lecture
Cosponsored by the Department of Mathematical Sciences
For more information contact: Prof. Joga Rao (973) 596-5601, or Prof. Pushpendra Singh (973) 596-3326,