Mechanical Engineering Department Spring 2005 Colloquium Series
Unless otherwise noted seminars are held Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. in room 224 Mechanical Engineering Center.
February 9, 2005
Prof. X. Sheldon Wang
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematical Sciences
"An Overview of Immersed Boundary/Continuum Methods"
February 25, 2005
Prof. Wing Kam Liu
Northwestern University
"Multiscale Methods for Materials Design and Bio-Nano Interface"
March 3, 2005
Dr. Chandrashekhar G. Sonwane
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
"Molecular Simulations and Experimental Study of Nanostructured Materials"
March 10, 2005
Dr. Marwan Al-Haik
Florida State University
School of Computational Science and Information Technology
"Polymer Mediated Alignment of Carbon Nanotubes under High Magnetic Fields: Experimental and Computational Investigations"
March 11, 2005
Dr. Yong X. Gan
Columbia University
The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
"Multiscale Approaches to the Anisotropic Plasticity in Single Crystals"
April 1, 2005
Dr. Teruaki Terry Ito
University of Tokushima
Department of Mechanical Engineering
"Towards Human Computer Interaction for Collaborative Engineering"
April 14, 2005
Dr. Takumi Hawa
University of Maryland, College Park and the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Chemistry
"A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Role of the Growth of Hydrogen Passivation Surface on Silicon nanoparticles"
April 20, 2005
Dr. Herman Cummins
City College of the City University of New York
Department of Physics
"Dynamics of Supercooled Liquids and the Liquid-Glass Transition"
April 21, 2005
Dr. Vikas Tomar
Georgia Institute of Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
"Multi-Scale Mechanics of Complex Microscopic and Nanoscopic Materials"
Joint seminar with the Department of Mathematics will be held at Cullimore Lecture Hall II at 11:30
Seminar will be held in the GITC 3720 at 1:15 p.m.
Seminar will be held in the GITC 3720 at 11:30 a.m.
Seminar will be held in the Cullimore Lecture Hall I at 1:15pm
For More Information Contact: Dr. Ian Fischer (973) 596-3331, or Dr. Anthony Rosato (973) 596-5829