2009 ASME Student Sections Committee Contest for District A
For the eleventh time in the last twelve years,NJIT has taken First Place in the prestigious ASME Student Sections Committee Contest (formerly the Ingersoll-Rand Contest) for District A. District A includes all the major universities and colleges in the northeast. The contest involves the writing of a comprehensive report that documents activities by the ASME Student Section. That report includes: meetings, seminars, guest speakers, plant trips, attendance at conferences, university service and other professional activity. The Student Section of NJIT is extremely proud of its unparalleled success in this important event. Harry Kountouras Faculty Advisor for the NJIT student chapter of ASME stated that the award exemplifies our student's commitment to the highest level of service and professionalism. He only hopes that they can find room for the award plaque in their overflowing trophy case!