Registration Procedure for Mechanical Engineering Undergraduates
At NJIT in order to be permitted to enroll in or receive a grade for a course, you must currently satisfy the pre (before) and the co (same time) requisites for the course. The requirements of the pre (co) requisites are those courses that are deemed necessary to have a working knowledge of, prior to the exposure of the new course material (or those courses that complement one another). The ME department considers these prerequisites necessary, and will only under extreme and verifiable circumstances override them. The pre-requisites are readily available and are listed on the ME web-site.
Each semester prior to the opening of the Banner system to registration, each student is required to have the courses he/she intends to take the following semester approved by their advisor. You can only select those courses for which you will (at the time you take them) have the necessary pre (co) requisites. If you do not have the pre-requisites, the Banner system may not allow you to register for a course or may give you a conditional registration based on the completion of a current (pre-requisite) course you are now taking.
Procedure: All ME students are required to submit an ME Course Approval form prior to self registration. Depending on your current GPA, there are two tracks. On one track, the registration hold is removed shortly after submission of the signed form, but prior to its approval by your advisor. On the second track, the academic hold is only removed after your advisor has approved of your choices. Both tracks do not necessarily require a meeting with your advisor nor do they prevent it, but both require the eventual approval of your course choices.
ME Procedure:
Follow the procedure that is most appropriate for you
If your current GPA is greater than or equal to 2.500:
You are not required to meet with your advisor, although you can if you wish. However, you are required to submit to your advisor a signed ME Course Approval form that lists the courses you would like to enroll in the following semester. Prior to the registration period, this signed form is to be submitted to Ms Checa for transmittal to your advisor. Shortly after it’s submission, the departmental registration hold will be removed. At the appropriate time, you can self-register. Your advisor will verify that, subject to your passing some current courses, you satisfy the course requirements, are making timely progress toward your degree and indicate it on your registration form, together with any other information the advisor deems pertinent.
It is advisable that, prior to the registration period, you verify that your course choices have been approved.
The easiest approach is to pick up your submitted form from the department secretary. If for any reason you do not adhere to the procedure (or its intent) your advisor may withdraw your registration in the course(s).
If your current GPA is less than 2.500:
Your advisor must approve your choices before the registration hold is removed.
You are not necessarily required to meet with the advisor; however, you are required to submit a signed ME registration form for prior approval of those courses you would like to enroll in the following semester.
The registration form is to be submitted to Ms. Checa for transmittal to your advisor.
He will verify that, subject to your passing some current courses, you will satisfy the course requirements, are making progress toward your degree and that these courses are appropriate for you. If the advisor approves, the advisor will sign the form, and remove any departmental registration holds which had prevented self-registration.Prior to registration, you must pick up the signed form from the department secretary. If your advisor does not approve of your choices, this will be indicated on the form as well as any possible alternatives. If for any reason you do not adhere to the procedure (or its intent) your advisor may withdraw your registration in the course(s).
It is your responsibility to inform your advisor if at any time you no longer satisfy the course requirements. Thus, under certain conditions, failing a prerequisite or withdrawing from a course may require a registration change.
Your advisor is always available to assist you in your choice of courses or to help you with any academic problem. Your advisor’s office hours are posted.
But you must be cognizant of the fact that he has other duties and responsibilities. His office hours are posted. But during the registration period, your advisor’s time for you will be extremely limited. A list of advisors is available on the ME web-site as well as in the ME office. Registration forms are currently available. It is your responsibility to stay current as well as to begin the process well before the start of the registration period.
October 24, 2011 AN/ac