What is Mechanical and Industrial Engineering?
Engineers, design, build, develop, maintain and modify the tools of our technological society. The broad profession of engineering is usually broken down into four basic categories: electrical and electronic, chemical, civil, and mechanical.
The field of mechanical engineering itself is broken down into many sub-specialties. Some mechanical engineers work in specific industries, building and designing nuclear plants, or automobiles, or railway equipment, or spacecraft. These mechanical engineers are sometimes called nuclear engineers, automotive engineers, railway engineers, and aerospace engineers.
Other mechanical engineers work in areas that span the sub-specialties. Lubrication engineers solve various types of lubricating problems in all types of equipment. Hydraulic and pneumatic engineers work with any equipment that employs air or liquid forms of energy force control and energy conversion.
Other areas where mechanical engineers play an important part in fossil fuel, solar, wind, and geothermal energy; energy storage; waste disposal and management; environmental control; fuel research and ocean engineering.
Some mechanical engineers also work in areas not usually considered to require engineering. Biomechanical engineers cooperate with physicians to investigate the working of the body and to design aids and instruments for medicine. Other mechanical engineers, working closely with trainers and athletes, design sports equipment; and in the textile industry, they work with fabric designers and artists. It would be hard to find an area or object in every day life that was not in some way affected by a mechanical engineer.
Mechanical engineers work in industry, consulting practices, government and universities. They may work in classrooms, factories offices, laboratories or testing facilities as teachers, managers, designers or researchers. Some mechanical engineers work in sales and product quality control or equipment maintenance. Many hold managerial positions in their companies. Whether working on an oil rig or in corporate headquarters, mechanical engineers are solving the technical problems of today and tomorrow.
Moving On
So now you should have a pretty good idea of what a mechanical engineer actually does. As you can see they are involved in so many industries and areas. We have heard many people say "You guys do some cool stuff!". And it's true, mechanical engineers work in some pretty interesting areas like designing the commercial airliners that you fly in and the cars that you drive. Not to mention that it's a hi-tech field which utilizes the newest technologies from all areas.
But What about the Future?
If you have to choose a major soon then you must absolutely consider the future opportunities and job market that exist with that major. After all, your goal is to move on to a professional career. Your major will impact you do for the better part of your life so it is no easy decision to make.
However, if you are leaning toward mechanical engineering, you'll be pleased to know that recent studies have reported that mechanical engineering will offer the largest employment opportunities among the engineering disciplines.